Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grizzly Bears


Summary: Grizzly Bears are starting to become extinct and there doesn’t seem to be much happening about it. The few Grizzlys that are left walk the Canada-US border in BC and Alberta and these innocent bears are in huge trouble. They need abundant wilderness to survive, a wilderness that is fast falling off the face of the earth. One of many major threats to the grizzly population is the increase of motorized human access and associated developments like ski-resorts in the back-country and highways and which impede grizzly movement. Conflict with humans, logging and oil and gas exploration has also devastating affects.” Grizzly bears historically ranged from Alaska down to Mexico and as far east as Manitoba. Only 200 years ago as many as 6000 bears would have roamed the lands we now call Alberta. That number now stands at around 580, much lower than 1000 threshold that designates them as a threatened species.”- Although Alberta has taken the step of banning hunting, neither the BC or Alberta government have offered grizzlies any real form of protection, in fact they both did the very opposite by disbanding Grizzly Bear Recovery Teams, and ignoring the scientific justification for habitat protection. They need a way to stop hurting these beautiful animals and start protecting them, but sometimes it’s hard to find co-oporation.

Opinion: In my opinion, Grizzly Bears should not be hurt or played with for that matter. These animals were not put on the planet to be tampered with and to have their life in danger. If they hurt someone then you tame them but if someone it freightening them and making them uncomfortable in their own habitat, wouldn’t you expect them to start attacking? They are having their world torn upside down , watching species of themselves disappear. Something should be done and people should be stopped. How would you like it if there was someone doing this to you, your family and your home?

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